Who's University?
On the University of California's Berkeley Campus a crowd formed by student's, faculty and members from five campus gathered in Sproul Plaza. As you got closer to the crowd you could hear them screaming "Who's University? Our University!".
Other protest also took place on other UC campuses in Davis, Santa Cruz, and also in San Francisco. Police Officers in Los Angeles and Berkeley where force to use tasers and rubber bullets on protesters and about 100 of the protesters were arrested. This has marked one stage of this current fight to defend the top public system in the U.S.
More than 300 members have lost their jobs due to the layoffs in the states. UC's goals are to increase health insurance by 10 percent, increase parking fees and to cut payments by 4 percent.
Having fewer courses to offer means that some classes will be overcrowded or unavailable. Some of the students may even need to stay in school even longer to complete their requirements. Some may even drop out because they cannot afford the high fees. This meaning that student's who will return to UC next fall will pay 45 percent. Which is more than what they used to pay in spring 2009.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Health Care
Can We Afford It?
The Republican critics have argued against health care reforms. Meaning that the U.S can't afford to add trillions of dollars during its tough economic times. During the next two decades the awaiting bills would be reduced by a small amount for reforms that will decide how medical care is paid and delivered.
Over 46 million Americans don't have health coverage, millions have a small coverage quality meaning that an extremely bad ill threatens bankruptcy. Those employers who do have insurance they worry that if they get fired they will lose their coverage.
House of Representative and Senate will cover up to 30 million Americans that do not have insurance. Those trillions of dollars are still lots of money, but the tax cuts for wealthy people would most likely cost $4 trillion during the next decade.
House and Senate bills have many ideas that can help lower cost over time. For instance, standardized forms and automated claims could save billions of dollars. This would also help help the doctors because it will prevent them from costly treatments that may not work.
No. This debate is not over yet. Many of these amendments will punish hospitals that infect their patients. House bills has many measures that could help reduce costs and could be constituted into a final bill. This meaning that the government has the power to negotiate lower drug prices for Medicare.
The Republican critics have argued against health care reforms. Meaning that the U.S can't afford to add trillions of dollars during its tough economic times. During the next two decades the awaiting bills would be reduced by a small amount for reforms that will decide how medical care is paid and delivered.
Over 46 million Americans don't have health coverage, millions have a small coverage quality meaning that an extremely bad ill threatens bankruptcy. Those employers who do have insurance they worry that if they get fired they will lose their coverage.
House of Representative and Senate will cover up to 30 million Americans that do not have insurance. Those trillions of dollars are still lots of money, but the tax cuts for wealthy people would most likely cost $4 trillion during the next decade.
House and Senate bills have many ideas that can help lower cost over time. For instance, standardized forms and automated claims could save billions of dollars. This would also help help the doctors because it will prevent them from costly treatments that may not work.
No. This debate is not over yet. Many of these amendments will punish hospitals that infect their patients. House bills has many measures that could help reduce costs and could be constituted into a final bill. This meaning that the government has the power to negotiate lower drug prices for Medicare.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Polital Cartoon

In this political cartoon we see President Obama guaranteeing that the troops will be home by 2011. You also see that as he speaks Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is crossing out the date that was said that the troops will be back which is in July 2011. You also see that as Secretary of State crosses out the date Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates writes "probably not".
Glenn McCoy drew President Barack Obama wearing a military suit which show that he has all the power to decide whether to bring troops back home or to stay in war. In my opinion the message that Glenn McCoy is trying to say through this political cartoon is that is not for sure that war will eventually come to an end. As President, Barack Obama has promised many things but haven't accomplish them.War was one of them, he has all the power to end war if he wanted too but yet he decides to send even more troops to Afghanistan. Does the surge of 30,000 troops in Afghanistan mean that war will eventually come to an end and troops will be back in 2011 or there is no prediction when the troops will actually come home.
Obama: War and Peace
A more experienced President Barack Obama took the forage-policy stage at his Nobel Peace Prize ceremony. It was an incredible mood change when he said that he supported the need for a just war as he quoted that "evil does exist in the world".
These were some strange words to hear from an anti-war leader who was receiving the Nobel Peace Prize. The Nobel Peace Prize committee was conferred two months ago. They dazzled on President Obama promises within days of committing himself with enemies, the shutter of the Guantanamo prison and to end the torture.
President Obama honored Martin Luther King Jr. and Gandhi but stated that he "cannot be guided by their examples alone" and that there would be times where they would use forces if it was necessary. Iran is backing off promises to put an end on the nuclear work. While NATO' s allies are sending troops aside from the U.S surge of 30,000 troops in Afghanistan. President Obama tries to shape foreign policy but at his own terms.
I don't agree on President Obama receiving the Nobel Peace Prize because he hasn't done anything to show that he actually deserves it. I also think it is too early for him to receive an award because he has promised many things but haven't done anything. For example, he said that one of his main issues was to end war and to bring troops back home. Instead of bringing back he is sending more troops. They are giving him awards when he hasn't done anything.
A more experienced President Barack Obama took the forage-policy stage at his Nobel Peace Prize ceremony. It was an incredible mood change when he said that he supported the need for a just war as he quoted that "evil does exist in the world".
These were some strange words to hear from an anti-war leader who was receiving the Nobel Peace Prize. The Nobel Peace Prize committee was conferred two months ago. They dazzled on President Obama promises within days of committing himself with enemies, the shutter of the Guantanamo prison and to end the torture.
President Obama honored Martin Luther King Jr. and Gandhi but stated that he "cannot be guided by their examples alone" and that there would be times where they would use forces if it was necessary. Iran is backing off promises to put an end on the nuclear work. While NATO' s allies are sending troops aside from the U.S surge of 30,000 troops in Afghanistan. President Obama tries to shape foreign policy but at his own terms.
I don't agree on President Obama receiving the Nobel Peace Prize because he hasn't done anything to show that he actually deserves it. I also think it is too early for him to receive an award because he has promised many things but haven't done anything. For example, he said that one of his main issues was to end war and to bring troops back home. Instead of bringing back he is sending more troops. They are giving him awards when he hasn't done anything.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
The U.S allies view the Afghanistan war they view it as their responsibility not just a war for thee U.S. So their plan is to send 5,000 troops by next. Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen did’t talked about the Canadians Plan, which is to bring the troops back by 2011. General Rasmussen is encouraging the Dutch in keeping the troops in Afghanistan as president Obama is sending 30,000 troops.
In a speech shown through out the U.S by television made from the West Point military academy. The President Barack Obama announced his war strategy to help end the current war in Afghanistan. General Rasmussen made a meeting that lasted two-day that was held up on Thursday and Friday. Which he stated was that he expects the U.S allies to do more than what they have done.
However Prime Minister Stephen Harper said that there was no support from the Canada’s parliament to extend the mission. Secretary General Rasmussen has predicted that the Afghanistan forces will soon take over the operations up to 15 districts in the upcoming year 2010. What General Rasmussen wants is for the Kabul forces to give them a little push to take on greater responsibilities keep our country’s safety.
In a speech shown through out the U.S by television made from the West Point military academy. The President Barack Obama announced his war strategy to help end the current war in Afghanistan. General Rasmussen made a meeting that lasted two-day that was held up on Thursday and Friday. Which he stated was that he expects the U.S allies to do more than what they have done.
However Prime Minister Stephen Harper said that there was no support from the Canada’s parliament to extend the mission. Secretary General Rasmussen has predicted that the Afghanistan forces will soon take over the operations up to 15 districts in the upcoming year 2010. What General Rasmussen wants is for the Kabul forces to give them a little push to take on greater responsibilities keep our country’s safety.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger promised to achieve one of the Federal Court's demand which is to remove 40,000 inmates in California's prisons within the next two years. Coming face to face with a deadline to fulfill the courts requirements. Matthew Cate the prison chief said that the plan would only give shelter to 37,000 prisoners. Cate stated that that plan was the best option that met the courts requirements. Cate made a statement that he believed that the federal court has no legal authority to order the prison's system. The prison officials however believe that they have a new plan that would help solve the prison crisis.
If the state is successful in removing the 37,000 prison inmates by the year 2012. It would reach the requirements of an August order from three-judge panel that had found the prisons of California overcrowded. Which they violated the rights o their prison inmates because they can't provide them with the same medical and health care treatment.
The new plan includes getting support from a legislature that had rejected other proposals from the governor who also attempted to shed billions from prisons. The plan also includes depending on new prison and transferring inmates serving time for a low- level drug or theft offences.
Schwarzenegger promises
If the state is successful in removing the 37,000 prison inmates by the year 2012. It would reach the requirements of an August order from three-judge panel that had found the prisons of California overcrowded. Which they violated the rights o their prison inmates because they can't provide them with the same medical and health care treatment.
The new plan includes getting support from a legislature that had rejected other proposals from the governor who also attempted to shed billions from prisons. The plan also includes depending on new prison and transferring inmates serving time for a low- level drug or theft offences.
Schwarzenegger promises
Friday, November 6, 2009
Congress is a combination of senate and house of representatives. Congress also refers to both sessions of each congressional election. 1st congress met from 1789-1791 and the 101st congress met from 1989-1991. Even though the House of representative and senate do their work independently they still have to come together to pass legislation. When ever a bill is debated between senates and the house of representatives the congress has to decide, once its decide it becomes an act if it is passed.
Ever state is represented by congress. Each state has two senators and at least 1 representative. Many Congress run against each other congress for reelection by putting even more pressure on each other.
Ever state is represented by congress. Each state has two senators and at least 1 representative. Many Congress run against each other congress for reelection by putting even more pressure on each other.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Think Twice!!!!
The Internet is very resourceful for many things such as looking up for information, obtain and search for jobs near you and even to communicate with people around the world or even people that might be across the block. The Internet is used by many teenagers and adults almost every day. Now the popular ways that people communicate is by Myspace, Twitter, Face Book, Yahoo, etc. But many people nowadays use these site to write anonymous comments that sometimes are used to offended people. Or they even do anonymous blogs about people and those people might not even know.
I know people who actually do something like it. When I was in 8th grade, two of my friends (Joshua and Luis) decided to play a prank on our English teacher F.Y.I. she was Russian. They had created her a myspace, the myspace had a picture of her and around her said " I Love Poetry". When they told me about it and they showed me the page I thought it was pretty funny. But those laughs didn't last.
My guess is that a student told her about the supposedly myspace that she had and she told the principal. Weeks later the principal called them both out and suspended them for almost about 3 weeks. This sucked for them because we all thought it was hilarious but we never stopped to think about the consequences.
So if you think that only because you do an anonymous blog, that doesn't mean they cant discover who you are. So actually its not anonymous at all. So before you do something Think Twice!!!!
I know people who actually do something like it. When I was in 8th grade, two of my friends (Joshua and Luis) decided to play a prank on our English teacher F.Y.I. she was Russian. They had created her a myspace, the myspace had a picture of her and around her said " I Love Poetry". When they told me about it and they showed me the page I thought it was pretty funny. But those laughs didn't last.
My guess is that a student told her about the supposedly myspace that she had and she told the principal. Weeks later the principal called them both out and suspended them for almost about 3 weeks. This sucked for them because we all thought it was hilarious but we never stopped to think about the consequences.
So if you think that only because you do an anonymous blog, that doesn't mean they cant discover who you are. So actually its not anonymous at all. So before you do something Think Twice!!!!
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Clinton and North Korea Nuclear Weapons
Yesterday our Secretary of State made a clear statement on the relation between North Korea and the U.S. While the Obama administration is trying to talk with Pyongyang the U.S will not be established with North Korea until they have decided to abandon their program that is based on nuclear weapons. Hilary also says that with North Korea negotiating on a table it wasn't enough. Current sanguines will not take place until Yong Yang takes irreversible steps for North Korea to be a nuclear free country . If Iran is very serious of taking the steps needed to the community of its nuclear weapon program. The United States will discuss what have divided Iran and the United States for so long. Hilary also states that the doors are still wide open so that Iran can look up and have a better future.
Clinton: U.S. Will Never Have Normal Relations With a Nuclear North Korea
Clinton: U.S. Will Never Have Normal Relations With a Nuclear North Korea
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Aids Walk

Sunday October 18, 2009
Today i went to the aids walk with 3 other people. We saw many people that were against gay marriage. This people had tree different kinds of posters one of them had two guys kissing, another one had "gay is a sin" written down and the other one said " lets protect our churches beliefs". There was a lot of commotion going on when people saw this. People that were walking didn't had good reactions towards this posters. But there weren't only people against it. NO. There were a lot of people that did support gay marriage. There was people with rainbow flags, posters that said "repeal prop 8 in 2010", and we also met some other students that were in the GSA from other schools. I had so much fun because we had the opportunity to take pictures with gay people. I'm also proud of myself, my two cousins and Keyla because we made it all the way. Hope you guys like the pictures!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Liberal/Conservative Test
I took the test and i fall on the category liberal. Liberal focus on the topics of homosexuality , abortion, and censorship. Liberals also support the immigrants and labor unions They do not support the patriot act. They also over use the military forces.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Carmen Trutanich's goal is to give the cops the right to arrest taggers even though they aren't catch tagging. Trutanich's proposal has already target 71 gangs in California. Injunctions does prohibit some of their actions like for example wearing certain types of cloths, doing hand signs and also going to certain parks. Many people think that injunctions are going to far because they can't tell the difference between gang bangers and hangers. Other neighborhoods have gangs to feel protected and feel save.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
gay rights
Lawmakers have extended the rights for gay couple to adopt in Uruguay. This extend has been criticized by church leaders. Congress said that this law made Uruguay the first country to permit gay couples to adopt. With the signature of the president Vazquez it will also allow unmarried couples to adopt. Now gay couples are allow to adopt but they still can't get married. The center-left government has thought about gay people serving the armed forces.
Gay Rights Article
Gay Rights Article
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