Friday, November 13, 2009


Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger promised to achieve one of the Federal Court's demand which is to remove 40,000 inmates in California's prisons within the next two years. Coming face to face with a deadline to fulfill the courts requirements. Matthew Cate the prison chief said that the plan would only give shelter to 37,000 prisoners. Cate stated that that plan was the best option that met the courts requirements. Cate made a statement that he believed that the federal court has no legal authority to order the prison's system. The prison officials however believe that they have a new plan that would help solve the prison crisis.

If the state is successful in removing the 37,000 prison inmates by the year 2012. It would reach the requirements of an August order from three-judge panel that had found the prisons of California overcrowded. Which they violated the rights o their prison inmates because they can't provide them with the same medical and health care treatment.

The new plan includes getting support from a legislature that had rejected other proposals from the governor who also attempted to shed billions from prisons. The plan also includes depending on new prison and transferring inmates serving time for a low- level drug or theft offences.

Schwarzenegger promises

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