Saturday, January 23, 2010

Prop 8 Goes To Court

Prop 8

Due to the Ban of gay marriage a court trial took place due to the constitutionality of Prop 8. During the past two weeks some of the testimonies mentioned that sex marriage has been practiced in many cultures during the past years which included people from China, India, West Africa, North America and even Roman emperors marry men.

People who testified were against and for Prop 8. One of the persons who testified said that he believed that gay marriage leads to sexual intercourse, polygamy and having sex with children. Marriage would benefit gay and lesbians that testified on court are afraid of their physical safety and that they also have trouble explaining their relationship to others who may not understand them.

The defenders of Prop 8 have mentioned that gays and lesbians have little or no political power. They have also mentioned that Prop 8 violates their equal protection and that same sex marriage doesn't harm anyone. In fact if they would be able to marry their families would come closer and their relationships would be better understood.

People who are against Prop 8 and against gay marriage have argued that gay marriage is a threat to the society and that they should find a way to get protect families and mostly children from people like this. In other words they think that this is a virus but it doesn't work this way. Because if you are born gay you are going to be that way no one can change you in a blink of an eye. What i think people should do is to stop discriminating and begin to respect them.

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